I have received many questions and queries regarding whether builders are allowed to charge extra LBT over and above the consideration for the house/ shop.
I had also explained this previously through comments on this post, but not so in detail, considering that many customers are being harassed by the builders by charging extra LBT over and above the agreement value, it become important that we all understand what is right and what is wrong.
If the builder asks you to pay LBT, take printout of this post and give it to builder. You can also translate it to any language before taking printout.
This discussion requires some maturity to think and also considers some ethics issues. So if you feel that there is no Ethics in business, then this discussion is probably not for you.
I had also explained this previously through comments on this post, but not so in detail, considering that many customers are being harassed by the builders by charging extra LBT over and above the agreement value, it become important that we all understand what is right and what is wrong.
If the builder asks you to pay LBT, take printout of this post and give it to builder. You can also translate it to any language before taking printout.
This discussion requires some maturity to think and also considers some ethics issues. So if you feel that there is no Ethics in business, then this discussion is probably not for you.